Elsa Matteoni
System Developer – DevelopmentElsa is employed as a programmer - and a PT: "This is my dream"
As a trained Health educator at the Swedish school of sport and health sciences in Stockholm, Elsa Matteoni, 36, worked with training and developing people. However, there was a no real next step for advancement in that career. So she chose to change careers.
“The IT industry is endless and therefore super interesting. It's now or never," Elsa says.
She chose to study .NET-developer at the University of Technology in Gävle and did her internship with us at MTEK.
“It seemed like a good place to work. It is truly a growing company that is at the forefront of the industry."
And even before finishing the internship she was given an unexpected offer; employment as a programmer - and as a PT.
"This was my dream, but I didn't think it would come true so quickly."
PT, i.e. personal trainer, is written into the employment contract. In practise, this means that she currently leads two lunch sessions a week for interested employees. In addition, she is available to anyone who wants to have their own personal training programs.
"Physical activity offers many benefits, not least in terms of health, both physical and mental. The fact that MTEK offers their staff this opportunity shows that they are an employer that cares about their employees"
Most of the working time is devoted to MBrain, as a software developer:
“It's the creative part of the job that's so fun. It's almost like putting together a puzzle. You get an assignment and then you add all the pieces until the picture is complete, meaning that the assignment is completed and the product is ready to use.”
It can sometimes seem lonely to stare into the screen and be engrossed in a task. But Elsa protests directly to that statement:
“We talk all the time about what we do. The atmosphere is very open and unpretentious. Everyone only sees opportunities. In many other male-dominated professions, there is a lot of jargon. That is not noticeable here. On the contrary".
The coolest thing about MBrain is:
The coolest thing about MBrain is the wide extent of functionalities and that it meets so many different needs.
The best thing about working at MTEK:
The best thing about working at MTEK is the colleagues, the team spirit and the drive. It's also cool to be involved in the development of such a great product as MBrain.